Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt star in an action film directed by Doug Liman in 2005. The film is based on a couple who attend marriage counselling and neither one knows the other is a highly skilled assassin.
The location of the film is a city in America. Their clothes are smart casual.
I like the way the film was shot as it isn't in chronological order. For example they open the film in the marriage councillors office, they move onto the first time they meet, they then swap to a scene at the marriage councillors office.
In the scene they use lots of different cut shots and different camera angle.
My favourite scene is a fight scene. They went against the prejudice damsel in distress and made her strong enough to fight her own battles. In the scene they actually chose to make the man chase the woman. The woman was stronger and faster and Brad Pitts character could not keep up, meaning he's weaker.
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